Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud~!

This is the irrigation water turn that WON'T END~!

I've been at it since last week. My stream is going from 12' sometimes ~ waaayyyy tooo much ~ down to 4' ~ a little too little and then, down to a trickle...

Lord help me!

The water master is on another 'sabbatical' I guess, as he's not answering the phone and his voicemail is full. Drives me 'batty'!

6'... I need 6' steady if this is ever going to end~!

I feel like this every time I have to go out there and hike up and down this field...

When I hit a gopher hole, this is what I look like sometimes~~~ Help Me....

Then, when I have to open and close the gates on the pipes, some days it's just easier to walk on the pipe in bare feet to accomplish it, versus walking up in front of the gates, into the 3' pool of ice cold water in slip on shoes...

Those days, I resemble this, only with a golf putter in my hand for balance...

Ya, some days, I dress like this too~!

It gets exhausting when you can't keep a decent stream of water in the ditch to get it all done quickly. It always turns into a 'time study' when the water master goes AWOL... Everybody up stream catches on and sneaks out and steals your water, especially when the sun goes down.

This water turn has turned into the "Water Turn from Hell"... 

If I could find him (the water master), I'd consider hitting him with my golf putter (what I use to open and close the gated pipe gates)... Just a 'little pop' on the forehead to WAKE HIM UP~!

So, for now ~ Just call me the "Mud Princess" and when the water finally gets to the end, I'll be out there like this ~ only with an ice cold drink in my hand celebrating my "Victory"...


But, right now ~ I'm just going to go wash off my feet...

And, warm them up again...
(Look, matching socks~~ That only happens once a year~!)

And, then I'll start praying a lot that I get back my 6' stream, so this water turn will be finished before November... 

The world is "Mudilicious" & "Puddlewonderful"~!


  1. A pair of socks that MATCH.. You must not have been feeling well when you got dressed.. Never seen a matched set on your TINY little feet before...

    1. They were my merino wool ones. They are the only set I own that I wear matching cause they're thick. Aside from the white ones. I'm clueless what I was thinking when I bought all white socks ~~ they are so BORING!
      I actually had a short 'bobby sock' type white one on the other day with one of the longer, 'knee high' type wild ones you sent me last year and pink shorts. It felt way more comfortable than just white socks. It totally suited me... I felt "Powerful" and of "Great Importance" with my feet looking that way...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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