Everything new to me is an 'acquisition~ I don't know why?
My dearest friend on the planet sent me this GORGEOUS crocheted table cloth one day in an 'if it fits, it ships' package from Wisconsin. It had some other trinkets in the box I need to photograph and share!
This was given to her on her wedding day and stayed stored away, until she found out about my obsession with lace and all things delicately~crocheted and well, I squealed a little when I opened the box...
It now resides in my bedroom, draped over the side of the "Ooohh, la, la chair"...
And, those cute little French boxes, acquired not long ago because I couldn't resist~!
Then, there's this little find ~~~
This is an 1880's celludoid, antique photo album, complete with the old, old, pictures~!
It looks beautiful on my dresser... It was a trade, so it didn't cost me anything and I am proud to own this piece of history. I just wished I knew who the pics belonged to. I'm sure their ancestors would love to have them...
So intricate and fragile from age that the left side of the floral is missing. But, a treasure nonetheless...
The clasp is just beautiful ~ You don't find things made like this very often
The velvet is in rough shape on the back, but she is old & that just adds to her charm...
The album is full of pictures ~ here's a little taste~!
(I've never seen one with a collage like this one ~ very unique!)
I think the photo of the children is my favorite...
And then, there is this sweet little number ~ complete with the "Shabby Shawl"...
~A vintage dress form~
My better half calls her "Betty"
(I think she needs a lace corset)
She was part of a "trade" of good also, so she didn't cost me anything -
She'll reside in one of the bedrooms upstairs, or in a future sewing room someday...

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