You know, those winter 'Banana Squashes' that some years grow prolific and in my case this year,
"As long as my leg...!"
What to do with them?
What to do with them???
Well, when putting a wheelbarrow full by the door and sending them home with every visitor starts to fail, ~You get creative~
Consequently, this is what I have left... I had 15~!
What in the world would I ever do with 15 HUGE banana squash?
At least, after finding some a home with everybody coming in and out, now I'm down to 5 left in the wheelbarrow and 5 left in the garden ~ sigh...
I cut one up, baked it and froze it and got 14 cups of pulp. If I done all the squash this way, I would have the possibility of 140 Cups of pulp - holy, moley - I think the chickens and sheep may get a treat, versus the deep freeze getting 2 full shelves of bagged yellow squash *big grin* But, you just never know what I might come up with~ for a new one, DINNER ROLLS...!
~Winter Squash Dinner Roll Recipe~
4 1/2 - 4 3/4 C. All purpose Flour
1 (1/4 ounce) packet of Dry Yeast
1 1/2 C. Milk
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil (vegetable oil, shortening, butter, whatever...)
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1 tsp. Salt
1 Egg
1/2 C. Cooked, Winter Squash
*Melted Butter for the tops of the hot rolls when done baking*
1. In a large bowl combine 2 C. flour and the yeast.
2. In a saucepan, heat the milk, oil, sugar and salt until warm.
3. Add the warm milk mix to the flour and yeast, add the egg and squash and beat on low speed for about 30 seconds to combine.
4. Stir in enough flour to make a soft dough and knead until smooth, shiny and elastic.
5. Place in an oiled bowl and let rest until doubled (about an hour, or so?)
6. Punch down dough and let rest for about 10 min.
7. Roll out to about 3/4" to 1" and cut rolls with a biscuit cutter and place in an oiled cake pan.
(This recipe made about 1 1/2 cake pans full of rolls...)
8. Let rise again...
9. Bake at 400 degrees for 12 to 14 minutes (my oven took 14 to bake...) or, until golden brown.
10. Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.
These rolls turned out 'semi-sweet,' but not too sweet. They are a dense dinner roll much like potato rolls. They do have a 'yellowish' color because I used banana squash pulp. You could use Acorn Squash, Butternut, Hubbard, Sweetmeat - any kind, or color of winter squash...
I thought they were 'quite heavy,' but the Man-Child loved them and ate 2 with dinner and after dinner, he ate one with jam and one with whipped honey. He thought they were a raving hit...
"Winter Squash Dinner Rolls" could be a great way to slip in some extra "Beta Carotene" if you have a family of picky eaters too~!
I will definitely make them again, but honestly, since they're slightly sweet anyway, I think 2 more Tbsp. of Sugar wouldn't hurt a thing~!
If you have any favorite "Winter Squash Recipe's," oh please share, as I have an abundance of these giants I need to use up...
"Grandma's silly squash, huge beyond compare, no doubt will see the soup pot, before the County Fair"
~No Blue Ribbon: Patricia Parish Kuhn~
If you slice the down the center like a bun and pop them in the toaster in the morning then spread the butter and jam.. ummmm...I luv leftover biscuits/rolls that way..