Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Peek at my Week ~ 9-20-14 through 9-26-14...

Come on in and Take a Peek at my Week~!

How do you like my 'Huge" scarecrow?
I love scarecrow's - 
I got this one at a thrift store this summer for $3...
He's been hanging out in the shed just waiting for the first hint of leaves on the mountain to turn yellow.

The 'Man-Child' felt I should wait until the garden froze before I decorated for Autumn. 
I couldn't wait to bring this cute scarecrow in early though...

With as hot as it has been, it may be Christmas before it cools down.

The garden is still 'chugging along'...
The beets and carrots are loving the rain and heat we've had. But, if you look far in the pic you will see that the aspen leaves are turning gold on the mountain, so it won't be long.
The potatoes are finally dying back and turning yellow. The beans are still beautiful on the trellis, but tired and the beets are taller than my knees. They love this weather.

The tomato patch is wearing out - 
Production has ceased and the green ones are rapidly turning red.

Oscar is "winey' this week and I don't know why.
He's my shy'est cat. He usually runs and hide's when there's "Stranger Danger." 
He's not even very friendly with the 'Man-Child'...

I'm not sure what's going on?
Considering this was his behavior when the horse got stuck in the irrigation head box, it makes me nervous when he does this. I always check on everybody to make sure nobody is 
'Horsing Around...'

Oliver is just being Oliver ~ 
Lovable, friendly and patiently waiting for his favorite person to get home. 
Oliver thinks the 'Man-Child' is his mom. He even tries to nurse off his head...

They're a funny pair - brothers - very good cats.
When a stranger comes in the yard, they both run and climb into the dog kennel and lay there "With the dogs" on the "Dog side of the fence" watching, but safe. We all laugh. I don't think they know they're different from the dogs...

"Heads, or Tails?"
 (There are really 4 animals in this picture; Mooch, Steve, Oliver and Oscar)

This is what happens when you feed them all milk...

Do I have enough "Hair Kids" yet?

Apparently not, because I got 4 new hens today from a lady that lives about an hour away and breeds heritage breeds.
They're all Americana's 
(Easter Eggers) 
These ones are young, but should start laying soon. 
They lay HUGE eggs!

They're the kind my grandaughter says are, "Stupid looking" because they get whiskers when they get older.

I bought my rooster from the same breeder about a month ago. 
He's a nice rooster, but he's really dumb. One weekend, we couldn't find him, but his favorite hen 'Rhonda' was calling him and he was calling her back. We searched and searched and then he quit talking.
I didn't know what happened... 
We both lost sleep - - -

The next morning, the 'Man-Child' took a pitchfork and started carefully sifting through all of the tumble weeds in our South facing, open face sheep sheds. He finally uncovered the rooster "Cornelius" and my what a squack he let out. 
I was so happy he found him and I try to keep him with the girls now. He's not smart enough to be on his own. He's young and dumb and gets stuck in every corner, but he's a beautiful rooster.
I named him, "Cornelius" after the corn flakes rooster. They're both 'Wellsummer' breeds.

An old rooster at his prior home plucked all of his tail feathers out. When they grow back in, he'll be even more beautiful. He's already big and he's just a baby. When he grows up, he might be a record setter~!

When I was going in to get the eggs, these sheep were "Demanding an Explanation~!"
Maybe, they wanted the secret password to gain proper entry to the barn?

Then I realized, some of my herd was hiding in the dark. In the shadow of the cool back corner of the barn They were so busted~!!!
I always thought my chickens made those holes in the ground - nope - the sheep do during the day.

A couple of my older ewe's are getting close to lambing. 
I want a set of triplets this fall ~ ~ ~ I'm getting excited!

And, of course Charlie is never "Camera Shy"...
I swear - this alpaca is the strangest animal ever~!

I hope you've had a 'Great Week'~!

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about and seeing all your animals. What characters! That rooster is really beautiful. A wonderful scarecrow, too.


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