
Thursday, April 25, 2013

I've got nothing to do today, but SMILE... (=

Just sitting around, awaiting the birth of my new granddaughter who will be born tomorrow...

"Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you, Tomorrow, is only A Day Away~~~~!"
(Um ya ~ good luck getting that tune outta your head <snickers>)

I figure, with all this 'time-on-my-hands,' it's a good time to plot an attack...
A "Landscaping Attack" ~ that is...

I drug up some old pics from a couple years ago, from my gardens at my house... I would like to 'semi-recreate' something of the same flow here at this old farmhouse. Using my great knowledge, green thumbs & gardening wisdom, I know I can redo my 'Shangri~La' in the desert here, as I managed to do there...
~Which is only 3 miles to the West~

Now, mind you, these pics are all from a few years ago and transferred from my facebook page. So, by no means was any thought put into the positioning of the sun, shadows, nor professionalism for a blog...

You get the meaning~ just bear with me...
This is an idea, me contemplating, the reliving of a past life ~sort of blog post ~

Don't get too serious on me and don't judge...
I'm a truck dispatcher, with a cell phone camera on my hip...
Professional photography?
Oh' please...
I got enough drama to worry about besides where the sun is before I yield my motorola smart phone out of its pocket holster and go to the camera option, in mid-day...  

~The "West Side" ~
A 'Secret Garden'~ at my house...

You'll notice something absolutely amazing in these series of posts ~ NO GRASS...
A little 'tid-bit' about my personality... I HATE GRASS~!

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately ~ I was raised by an 'on-the-side' landscaper. My dads main occupation was a truck driver, but he had a landscaping business on the side. And, you guessed it ~ I was a "Mow til you drop" kid...

Mow those lawns, mow that lawn, mow this lawn, get the lawns mowed..."

Mow lawns as an adult ~ I should think not~!
NO GRASS PLEASE ~ Well, maybe a bit for the grandkids, but 'Just-A-Bit'. Nothing that should require much effort please~!

Gravel paths, brick, ROCKS~ oh absolutely, by the dump truck load...

I am a 'rock hound'... I don't mean little cute rocks you put in you pocket. I mean BIG, backhoe bucket size rocks. I've even been know to bring 'excavator' size rocks into the yard. You know how hard it is to sneak a 300 class excavator onto public property for the perfect rock? Well, I do and I've never tried it~!

~I prefer the hunt & gather on private property,
then I can just ask permission and do it in daylight...~

But, I'm not going to lie ~
I've eyeballed some close to the road on public property for years. I keep an eye on them, so they don't go walking away in case there is an option someday to remove them 'legally of course'.... lol

Meet "Steve"
That cute little dog on the porch...

Steve is my 'chinese hairless' breed dog with hair~ lol
And, he's my 'butt warmer' on cold winter nights. He's the only pooch that lives here that's allowed on the bed. Mainly, because I haven't figured out a way to keep him "off the bed"...

Actually, the story of 'how Steve' came to be living with me is quite cute, but I'll save it for a future post, as it has nothing to do with landscaping... I just wanted to do a "Proper Introduction" out of being so proper and all...

My "East Side" garden...

I waited 20 years for this garden to be created...
Then I moved 2 years later to this farmhouse ~ oh, pooh!

I still go back over and wander - what I need to do is go back over and weed it... lol
Thos are potato pits where the soaker hose runs and those 'Stick Army' structures - they are for my melons & winter squash to grow on, to save space. I refer to them as the "Chinese Army". When I move them around, the man-child notices. He told me once, "We may be under attack, as the chinese army is mobilizing'... "
Yes, we're a 'humorous bunch' around here.
It's what keeps us INSANE!~

<Just for the giggle... I LOVE THIS~!>

A swing & path was added to the 'secret garden' a few years ago.
As, it was getting 'over grown'...

Oh, the sun, the sun boss ~ oh the sun on this pic...
Just imagine me saying that in the tone "Tattooe" the little guy off Fantasy Island...

I love the yellow daisy type flowers in the below pic.
I can't for the life of me remember their name...

I think we have a "Good Start" going on here, with the basics ~
It's the 'full-on-attack' that's going to be dirty...


Jump into the middle of things,

get your hands dirty,

fall flat on your face

and then reach for the stars~!



  1. What a fantastic sign about the rattlesnake! It made me actually laugh, not just 'lol' in an Internet way =)


  2. Don't ya just love to be sitting at the computer - totally dead serious, reading something and then, from nowhere, a burst of laughter just extrudes from your lips - It's my favorite part of being online.
    Glad you enjoyed it... I have loved it over & over. It always makes me laugh... ~ Dry humor to some, I'm sure - But, humor non-the-less! ~

  3. I love your gardens and your humor! You would be a good person to have a a friend. I wish I had the courage to go totally grassless...


Thank you for your comments...
I love to hear from you~!