
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Every good & perfect gift comes from above~

A sweet little 7 lb. 12 ounce blossom of humanity has entered our family...

"Ms.Swayzee Mae" arrived safe, sound & in good spirits on Friday.
~Mommy is doing well also~

She has an inquisitive little spirit and seems to be an especially quiet little soul. Very curious... Very calm... Very patient for all she has currently endured...

My 'Little Boohoo' Saige, loves 'Her Tiny Baby Sister'...
They look at each other as if they already know each other...

When my little Grandson 'Journey' came to the hospital to meet his new, little cousin Swayzee, he insisted on touching this little angel  'with gloves on'... lol

Girls have cooties, ya know... <wink>

Oh, these silly little 'two-year-olds' that grace our daily presence (Saige & Journey)...
You learn so many things from these children~ how much patience you have for instance... They're kind of like using a blender, with no top to contain it~!

Congratulations to my daughter & son in law on the arrival of their perfect new little daughter and the new addition to their beautiful family...

Welcome to the world "Ms. Swayzee Mae"...
It's been waiting for you~!

Let them be little, 'cause' they're only that way for awhile...


  1. Congratulations to you and your family! You are one lucky lady to be so very blessed! :)

  2. God has given me more than I deserve & for that, I will forever be grateful~!

    They are my little treasures...


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