
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

To live is the rarest thing in the world~

So, today we were "LIVING"...

My daughter called me last night to see if I could tend 'Ms. Boohoo' for a coulple hours.
(Ms. Boohoo is my granddaughter Saige)

My daughter had a few more doctor's appointments before the baby comes and some final things to do, to get ready. The C-Section is scheduled for 7:00 am on Friday.

~ Yay... Swayzee gets here Friday~!

And, I'm quite sure my daughter is tired of Saige saying, "Do I get to see the baby?' (In a really deep voice)
She asks her 100x a day...

Thinking about it last night, I decided to schedule 'NOTHING' today. Me and my Boohoo would just do whatever she wanted to do. I already knew it would involve 'Yammie Babies'...
That's 2 year old slang for 'baby lambs,' and the grandkids have a coral full of them~!

My fingers were crossed all night that the sun would shine and my little Boo would get her day with her 'yammies.' And, time for a long walk to the end of the pastures, just discovering the world with Grandma...

So, when she first got here, we walked over to the barn & got the eggs. Three of them lay in the morning. She insisted we make "all three" for breakfast. Of course, then she wanted "three blue eggs"
~ It gets confusing when you're little... ~

Blue eggs are a difficult find, even for a Grandma...

It's funny how a 2 year old knows, with so much certainty, exactly what they want...

As we get older, we're so 'indecisive' about things. What a blessing it would be, to just know. And, how great to be inside the mind of a 2 year old, who only wishes for blue eggs... How much fun would that be?

Just halt the chaos, the thinking, the wandering & the worry. 
And, only want for 'blue eggs'...~!

Then when the 'eating' was done, it was time to go see the "Yammie Babies"...

So, coat on and buttoned up, shoes on the right feet, a "blue" pull-up & we headed across to the barn ~again...

Yes, we had to take 3 carrots. One for each of the horses. It's a ritual here. They either talk me out of carrots, or apples, whenever the horses are involved. It's just the way things roll with the grandkids.

I know they've made a "secret pact" with the horses to always come prepared... <wink>

She spent a good 2 hours watching the 'yammie babies,' the chickens, the ducks, the horses and all the birds that come to say hi... She played in the gravel, in the grain, in the hay and the sand. She got to hold 2 ladybugs & a butterfly landed on her shoe... She fed them, she watered them and she fed them some more...

Then, Poppa came in to see if we wanted to go with him to a 'Cattle Company' to get some papers. All Poppa had to say was, "Want to go see the Moo Cows?"
And, she was the first one to the truck...

We're making progress... we stopped for some diesel fuel and she didn't choose a "blue" drink. She surprised me and got purple... This "blue" stage might be ending soon?

Then, it was back to pick the flowers in the field (dandelions). Go for a ride with Poppa on the tractor & of course, go back over and "play with the yammie babies"~ again...

Would there be a greater 'unplanned' day on this planet than a 
day where you were beholden to the wishes of such an innocent creature?

To live is the rarest thing in the world.

Most people exist ~ that is all...

~Oscar Wilde~


  1. Your day sounds lovely! Your granddaughter is just precious and I wish your daughter nothing but the best on Friday...babies are wonderful! :)

  2. Thank you for the kind words Kim...
    My fingers are crossed & that precious little Boohoo of mine is going to be so excited to finally 'see' her little Swayzee sister...
    Have a Wonderful Evening



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