
Monday, April 29, 2013

The morning always has a way of creeping up on me...

And peeking in my bedroom windows...

I ran into a big bag of treasures the other day~!
In the back of the closet, of course... I had forgotten about this purchase...
(Sounds about like me)...
It is a complete 'autumn rose' bed set from a 'vintage' thrift store that closed down about a month ago. I purchased it last fall, for last fall, but I forgot I had it last fall. 
So, I drug it out now, I washed it and thought I would use it. At least until the other covers are dry on the clothesline...

It was brand new when I bought it and still in the bag. It was only $6.00~!
(Who couldn't resist?) 
It is a 'king' bedspread, two king shams, a set of king sheets & in a seperate package, there were 4 large valances to match it - all for the SIX BUCKS...

<All unused ~ it was a seriously Awesome Find!>
Don't you just LOVE these kind of purchases?

The 'dark green' shams were another thirft store find for $3 a piece.
 (Velvet & Machine Quilted)

Gorgeous Shams~!

It was strange because I found one dark green sham and I fell in love, but I longed for two and a couple weeks later ran into the other one...
What are the chances of that?

Oh, I LUV antique fringe...
Have I ever mentioned that?

This room is so small with this ginormous canopy bed and with
the mirrored closet doors, it's the 'devil' to get a good pic of...

And, this little 'high boy' is a vintage flatware chest
It was picked up at a yardsale last year...

It makes a nice end table for now in the bedroom...
Not its permanent location, but works for the moment!

It has beautiful 'inlay' work on it and very cute lines...

Its final destiation will be in one of the upstairs bedrooms.
If I ever get stairs to the upstairs...

And then...
In my reality, within an hour of changing the covers, dusting the room & making the bed, my little 'Sugar Monkey' ~ My Grandson Journey came to visit...

And this boy's favorite thing to do is watch "Mikey Mouse" on Grandma's big canopy bed...
~Just Keepin' it Real~

The 'Autumn Rose' bed ensemble will be great to use this fall, if I remember I have it, of course... Hope I get the silver/linen colored venetian plaster done on the bedroom walls by then too~!

Until then though...
Beds are for sleeping~!
(Grandma's favorite time of the day)


Make the world a little softer,

a little kinder,

a little warmer...

And they're so dang KISSABLE too~!



  1. i love that boy. thanks for taking him glad he had a good day

    1. He had an excellent day...
      You might consider a dog kennel. He sure had fun playing in mine, locking the dogs 'out' & him in... lol
      (Silly little two year olds)


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