
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oh Milo...

You know Milo...

Milo, that scrawny little kitty that showed up in my shed last fall and I have no idea where she came from?

Well, she's proven to be such a valued member of this family that she has warranted her own blog post. She has proven a vital component to the comedy around here.. Plus, I think she's the only cat I've ever liked and that's probably because I won't let her in the house, so those things cats do that drive me 'batshit crazy' can't happen. Because she's outside...

Well, Milo is everywhere ~ seriously... 

Me and my youngest daughter actually thought I had two identical cats for a while because Milo was all over the place. All at the same time sometimes. It seemed un-human. But, she's not human, she's a cat, so I guess that explains it ~ or, not... Who knows...

Of course, we thought she was a Tom-Cat too, so, well ~ duh ~ I guess that explains why her name is Milo.

Anyway - I only have 1 cat... I think...

I got so confused by it all that I tied a string around her foot and left it for a couple days and the cat I seen everywhere, for those few days, had a string on her foot. So, that's how I know I only have 1 cat. Milo is just 'super-kitty'...

The first thing my little grandson "Journey" does when he gets to my house is call for her. I know Journey is here before he even knocks, because I can hear him yelling "Miilllooo," "here Milo..." 
~Milo, I think, is his favorite animal~

She is always around when I'm outside. No matter where I'm at. She just magically appears. 

She hops up on the block wall and walks along the top of it, all around the yard. It's her runway... Up on that wall, she's an 8' wonder cat that can see everything. 

The block wall makes her big and tall and powerful...

Ya, this is a cute picture - 
Milo & Indy. It looks so compassionate, but in reality ~ 2 seconds after I snapped this picture Indy shoved her over the other side of the block wall. Horses have a mean streak and they communicate. And well, when a horse does something out of the ordinary like shove a cat off a block wall, they all watch and they all sort of laugh about it. But, cats are notoriously sore losers. Seconds later, Milo jumped back up on the wall and slapped the horse in the face and then everybody laughed.

"Those who will play with a cat should expect to be scratched."

Milo is a pretty good sport though. When she was done smacking Indy around, she jumped down and marched her way right over to his trough and got a drink. She wasn't scared a bit because she has very long claws at the end of her paws and she taught that horse a lesson.

My favorite thing about Milo, is Milo and the sheep...

The pictures are pretty rough because they were taken with my phone camera, but with narration, you'll get the picture. It's hard to make out, but at the lead of that line of sheep is Milo. Every day, I watch the same thing happen. When I'm done feeding and I start walking away, Milo follows me. And, the sheep all get in a line and follow Milo. It is really strange behavior, like those wingnuts that followed that lunatic after the HaleyBop Comet...

The thing is, when Milo gets over, close to the block wall, she jumps up on it and well, every day, when Milo jumps up on the wall, my whole sheep herd runs into the block wall...

Milo jumps, the lead ewe keeps going and runs into the cinder blocks and then all of the sheep behind her end up in a big tangle. Kind of like that 64 (?) car pileup on the Interstate in Wisconsin this month...

They do it every morning. It's like their routine. And, every morning, I laugh and laugh and laugh...

I'm thankful for Milo and the comedy she brings to my days.
She's a keeper~!

I especially love seeing my Great Pyrenees come running around the house with Milo hot on his tail giving chase... She won't even take crap from Mooch - she's a tough little kitty, that's for sure. And in a cats eye, everything belongs to the cat. Even the dogs belong to her...

And Charlie, not to be outdone by Milo, has been working on his modeling skills. But that, my friends will be a blog post for the future~!

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows...
Cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human mind~~

I hope you all have a wonderful week~!


  1. I love the antics of Milo. Your Milo looks like my CJ....He is no longer with us, but he was a part of our home for almost 19 yrs. He actually got his own post on my blog as well. Very special cat that's for sure. Milo rules!! :)

  2. Milo is one crazy cat! So happy that she brings you delight. We had a stray that we adopted once and was head over heels in love with him. He was an outdoor cat, but we let him in now and then for a few. He loved to nibble at your toes. Have a very Merry Christmas!


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