
Monday, October 21, 2013

Cold Weather Company...

On chilly autumn days, I love to sit outside with a warm cup of coffee and watch the leaves fall to the ground. It's that 'comfort' time of the year... An old chair, an old wool blanket and a quiet morning~~

Early afternoon, my Saturday was blessed with 
"Cold Weather Company"...

I got a visit from my youngest daughter "Amber" and my grandson "Journey"... They brought some treats for the chickens. Journey loves to help do chores. The chickens are some of his dearest friends and I'm blessed that they're all so friendly, even the rooster Sammy is gentle with the grand kids...

Then, we walked over to water the sheep, my alpaca "Charlie" and the horses...

Charlie (the alpaca) was the only creature in the upper pasture and he came walking over for a visit and a fresh drink of water. Mainly, he's just a nosy alpaca. He does his job well and checks out anything and everything that crosses onto his side of the fence...

Then, a walk down the lane to find the sheep - 
I have a few ewe's ready to give birth soon, so I'm keeping a close eye on them. The grandkids will be happy for more "baby yammies" (lambs) this fall...

It was a beautiful "Autumn" Saturday that began with 'Frosted Windowpanes' and a 'Warm Fire'. 

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