
Monday, June 3, 2013

Old, vintage, outdoor faucets + landscape additions...

I got this old, vintage, faucet from a friend last year. I absolutely fell in love with it, but it was cracked, so it was unusable. But, it's awesome yard art...

They cut it down for me yesterday with a cutoff saw and cemented it in the ground. The old pipe it's attached to is about 5' long and I wanted it next to a tree, so digging a 5' hole in tree roots was out of the question. I also had an old, rusty paint can that matched it. The paint can is rusted away on the bottom, so my next project is to till and finish this planter area, plant flowers all around the faucet and plant a flower in that bucket~!

I can't describe how much I love this old faucet. I was just raving about it to a friend yesterday and she said, "wouldn't it be awesome if you could find a spigot for it and hang the bucket on the spigot?"

That was an idea that I was thinking about last night before I fell asleep ~ I know, I'm strange... I think about my gardens even when the sun goes down. I love lanscaping and I love m gardens. A friend asked me if I was going to miss my flower gardens at my other house - NOPE... Well, maybe a little ~ but, I can re-create them here on a bigger scale and I love the challenge of creating them.

So, I ran to town today for spray paint for the soon to be 'patio furniture redo' and I got some plants for the planter box at the back of the house. When I got home there was another faucet, exactly like this one laying in front of my kitchen door. This one isn't cracked and it has a spigot on it. This one can actually be hooked up and it's usable. But, where did it come from? What are the chances of there being 2 of these old faucets in the same County?

It puzzled me for hours...
Where did this other faucet come from?

This evening, the man-child got home and told me he found it in an old shed across the road by the barn...
Seriously - the same shed that had the old, vintage, patio chairs I'm going to redo. That shed is so full of old stuff that we'll be finding treasures in there for years to come!

Did I ever mention there are about 15 old, vintage, wood, 7-up and Pepsi crates in that shed? I was talking about that yesterday too when the man-child told me that the whole attic of his shop is full of old apple and advocato crates - <Yes, I'm smiling while I'm typing this> Now, how do you get in that attic?
I love this old place~!

To read more about the landscaping updates click "Read More," right below this sentence...

I have this weird strip of concrete along the cellar wall and between the grass that just bugged me. I asked the man-child, "if in his travels he ran across something that would work there for a planter box, would he grab it for me..." The next day there was an old trough made out of a water heater tank sitting there, ready to be planted. He had it over to the sawmill and brought it home for me. It's the perfect size!

It added some color to this boring wall...

I got my planter box behind the house finished too~!
I put virginia creepers on the ends and then 'Rose of Sharon' bushes in the middle. I'm going to train them up like trees so they'll grow over the window. And, I planted low growing, 36" in height, purple butterfly bushes under the window...

I'm thinking I might fill it in with some annuals for some color, but I haven't got that far yet...

A good friend gave me a really cute wind chime last week that I hung up on the back porch - it's made out of old silverwear and an old, wire, gravy boat thingamajig - the salt shaker is a cute addition...

My Grandson stops to be lifted up, to give it a ding, everytime we walk by it. He gets a huge smile on his face everytime it plays its tune...

I have some 'salvia' blooming already that I transplanted from my other house last week. I can't waite until it gets huge. The flower right behind it on the left, in front of the rock, is a 'mexican cone flower'. They are gorgeous when they bloom!

The 'evening primrose' that I transplanted last week have already doubled in size!
Yep, they do great in gravel. The plants at my other house are 'HUGE' and they're growing in gravel too...

The tomatoes are all planted and sporting nifty dishtowel hats, so they don't get sunburned before they get established. And, to protect them in case we get another weird, freak, frost like last week...

I planted old fashioned 'Goliath' tomato plants this year. It's a new variety for me, so I hope they give me a bumper crop for salsa and chili sauce...

The men added a rustic, cedar fence along the front yard path over the weekend. They also drug an old, rustic gate with rusty hinges over for the gate/entrance into my temporary veggie garden. The gate also serves double duty as a screen/block for the hot-tub area at night, so you can't see it from the highway... 

My great big, huge, garden spot out front isn't ready this year (a fall project), so I'm putting a few veggies in this spot, where my dining room addition will be built next Spring, I hope... I'll be finished planting it tomorrow - I had to run get more soaker hose this evening. I have peppers, zucchini, crookneck and acorn squash in. I planted a row of beets and I'll have a row of bush beans. I have marketmore cukes and armenian cukes. I have two, large, round, bean poles at my other house I need to run get tomorrow for the pole beans. I'm going to plant pumpkins and banana squash along the railroad tie path and tie the vines to the bottom of the rail fence this year, on both sides of the path...

I'm so happy it finally looks 'loved,' instead of just a weed patch...

Hope you all have a great evening ~

It's almost 'hot tub' time here~!


  1. Love your planter box! The whole place is looking great. Love that old pump, too. All those crates would sell on E bay or Craig's list, I bet. They are not common anymore. Not the real ones.

  2. Nowadays a lot of people like to design houses with some vintage products. Like stalling some Antique Taps Antique Taps in bathroom and kitchen. It became more amd more popular right now. Even the Bathroom Accessory, people also like to buy some Garden style antique accessories. Find more antique or other style taps, please check here:


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