
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A "little," new, addition...

Well, she finally done it...

My oldest hen has been sitting on two nests and a total of 28 eggs. She wouldn't even let me near them for the last month. She was "Broodey" and definitely determined to hatch herself some chicks. Usually, she hatches 6, or 8. This time, it looks like a single...

I am clueless how it got down from the nest, out of the barn and clear over by the haystack???

I nearly stepped on the poor little chicky when I was feeding the horses. I have tiny hands and this little chick is TINY... I'm guessing a morning hatchling? Momma was still on the nest this morning. When she seen me coming to check, she hopped to the other nest, then back to the first nest. I have never seen a chicken more devoted. She has been laying on 4 hens eggs hoping to hatch herself some offspring. 

I have no idea what to do with it, aside from let nature take its course and hope its momma is attentive. In the old chicken pen, they were fenced. Here, they are 'free range'... I hope it makes it~~~

I'll be praying it is still there in the morning~!


  1. Oh! So sweet! I hope it makes it! :) Keep us posted, Jen!

    1. Well Kim, I'm laughing at myself today...
      I have been searching for this little chick since I first found it with no luck... I was bummed...
      Today, I went over to feed the chickens and a couple hen "Quail" came running out of the coop with 13 little chicks behind them and they LOOK JUST LIKE THIS...
      Now I know why it was so small - it was a quail chick ~ duh!
      (Never had quail before - this covey that lives here has always lived here. They're not domesticated, but slowly domesticating from the looks of the barn!)
      My black hen is back on the nests - lol...
      I hope she hatches some soon, so she can move on with her life.

    2. I guess you learn something new every day! Sounds like you have a very interesting and fun home~ full of life and surprises! Thanks for the update! :)


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