
Friday, May 24, 2013

"The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I wake up every morning to this staring at me...

I've actually had people tell me he looks "Mean" ~ Mooch mean?
That is not even a possibility...

What do they see that brings fear? The image of themselves in his eyes, perhaps?

I look into these dark brown, beautiful eyes and I see love, peace, complete trust and caring...

There is ALOT that goes on in that mind that Mooch lacks the "English Language" ability to share. He tells me with his 'eyes' and other physical emotions. And, I listen...

Every morning he has something new to wake me up with. He is a house dog, but he doesn't get on the bed. He sleeps on the floor right next to my side of the bed, because I am his mom. He keeps me safe. He watches over me every day and night of my life. He looks quite lazy, but he doesn't miss anything...

He can go from looking like he's dead...
(Notice how he dug the hole under himself to cushion his fat belly)

To being wide awake and on full alert in less than 100th of a second... 

This morning, he woke me up to tell on the man-child. He was so excited that he was jumping around my room and actually slapped me with one of those big paws to wake me up... "What is going on?" I said. I was worried. He was just too excited. I quickly put on my housecoat and he piloted me to the kitchen door. He was "in a hurry"~!

When I opened the door, he ran straight to the man-child. Fred (the man-child) was so, so busted...

Fred got up way early this morning and was in the process of getting my front planter ready for me, as a surprise. He took his gloves off and lightly swopped Mooch on the butt for waking me up and giving away his secret. Mooch misses NOTHING. And, he tells me EVERYTHING...
Fred can have no secrets at this house...

Does Mooch have 'mean eyes'?

I guess if you asked a child, they would tell you the truth...

My Grandson Journey trusts Mooch 100%. Even with a cheeto in his hand. He trusts Mooch will keep him safe from the little dogs so he can eat his treat with no interference...

My Grandaughter Saige trusts him completely. This is one of her favorite spots in my house. On the kitchen floor, wrapped up around Mooch...

In this pic, he had been licking his paw and Saige identified he had a foxtail stuck that needed some attention...

Their trust and bonding with Mooch has given both Grandkids the ability to bond with nearly any dog. This is a dog that was camping with them on the bow hunt. They bonded with him immediately...

Instant friends...

Perhaps a person that sees something 'mean,' or 'scary' in Mooch's eyes needs to go take a good look in the mirror inside themself. One thing that Mooch is excellent at is immediately judging a persons character. If someone visits my home and Mooch stands between me & the visitor, I go on high alert. If it is someone that Mooch trusts immediately, he will lay down close to the conversation, but he will not guard me.

His 'eyes' and actions tell me EVERYTHING...

One's eyes are what one is,

one's mouth is what one becomes...

1 comment:

  1. See my previous comment! What a dog! And you are right. The eyes are the window to the soul. I love the pics of Mooch and the grands! Funny he told on the Man Child.


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