
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Landscaping progress...

I hate to admit it, but we're both dragging...

I'm so incredibly thrilled with what has been accomplished, but we're not as young as we used to be. I'm 41 and he's 53. We're still amazing, but we're definitely slower...

We got the back sod all the way layed and 30 perennials planted. I planted more catmint, rocky mountain pesntemons, salvia, mexican cone flowers, ecinacea (purple cone flowers), evening primrose, lobelia and some Virgina Creeper vines...

We got the hot tub moved form my house and set, it will get wired in on Wednesday...
I have to waite for a friend/electrician to get back from camping that owes us a favor~
I can't waite until Wednesday...!
This is my favorite toy~ I love this hot tub...

He brought in more big rocks and some gravel
and started the gravel path to the front yard this evening down the South side...

My first rock step is set, for an elevation change to start the path...

Another flower bed planted...

When he was getting the hot tub, I was digging up perennials from my gardens at my house to transplant here...That's my 'bee hive' in the bottom of the tree.

They never fly into the yard. Their line of travel is straight from the hole in the tree, up over the block wall and into the hay field. I planted perennials all around the tree for their enjoyment. And, because I don't want to mow around their house. I try really hard not to upset them. They have lived here alot longer than me and I respect that...

All those white dots in the pic are bees... I had to waite for them to calm down this evening, before I could finish digging out the June grass along the wall and finish planting the rest of the flowers. I really don't feel comfortable playing in their traffic lane. There are THOUSANDS of them. It's pretty awesome to have a bee hive in the yard. We would trim those branches off the tree, but if you bump the tree, they all come out to investigate. It's easier just to leave them alone. Do bees hibernate in the winter? If so, that would be the time to trim up the tree...

This is as far as we got this evening...

Look, along the block wall on the left... He made me another planting bed for more flowers~!
All I need to do is add compost, run the tiller down it and plant it ~ yay...I'm thinking Holly hocks and climbing roses right here, along the wall by the hot tub?


Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for Success~!


  1. LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow, you guys have really worked hard! It is going to look beautiful when all your flowers are in and blooming!


  3. Jen, it's all coming along nicely. I hear ya about getting older. I am pushing 60 and hubby will be 62 on June 5th. We worked out in the yard most of the day and by the end we are feeling it. lol! We are both hard workers, but our bodies aren't quite what they use to be. You planted Cat Mint today and I pulled up tons of starts of Nepetia. A type of catmint. I love it, but it had spread way too much. Gardening is therapy for me even if my body doesn't always want to cooperate.

  4. It is looking beautiful! I'm so glad you are leaving the bees alone. You just don't see them as much anymore. And they will help your fields and flowers.


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