
Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Greatest Step is Out the Door...

Considering that there is so much 'turquoise' on this old 'Farmstead,' I didn't realize until the sun was shining in the backyard yesterday as to how beautiful the doors are individually...

So much turquoise viewed all at once just kind of 'blinds,' or 'gags' me, because "EVERYTHING" around here is this color.

But, taken indiviually for their beauty, they are just "Shabby Yummy"~!

Old Coal Shed Door...
Only time and weather can do this kind of glorious paint job~!

The interior of the Old Coal Shed Door
~Thank the Lord they opted for turquoise...
And, didn't continue with this pink!~
Beautiful alone, on one door, but would be blinding in large doses...

Oh... It's so, so tempting though, to paint it all this color.
I could be known as "The Lady in the Pink House"
It somehow matches my personality, but I do fear that it would cause me to go 'colorblind' over time!

The 'door handles' are even time worn and beautiful...

The cellar door...
Yes Dorothy, I have a real cellar...
Even though it freaks me out to go down there alone~!

I was ok with the cellar, in fact I was excited to have one. But, last fall, I followed the 'Man-Child' down to put in a new light bulb. At the bottom of the stairs, was something that well, it didn't look quite right...
I asked if it was a dead animal.The 'Man-Child' replied with, "No, it's just an old rug."
So, I proceeded down the stairs...
When I stepped on it, it crunched...
I asked him why an old rug would 'crunch'?
Well, upon further inspection, he came to the conclusion that it was a dead cat~ Ewww!
The 'cellar' that used to excite me, now freaks me out...
Need I say more?
(Probably wouldn't have bothered me, if I wouldn't have stepped on it!)

Yes, I fear that  I'm going to be scarred for awhile over this incident...

Door to the back shed...

There are things "Known"

And there are things "Unknown"

And inbetween, are the doors...


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