
Sunday, April 14, 2013

My version of "Strawberry Shortcake"...

Strawberry Shortcake?

No, no, no, no, no...
At my house, it's "Strawberries on Angel Food Cake" that's what we call "Strawberry Shortcake."

And, it's all HOMEMADE...!

Give it a try ~ it's well worth the effort~!
Just click "read more" and you'll find all the recipe's and instructions...

Linked To:

First - make sure you have One Dozen FRESH eggs on hand. Or, the freshest you can get at the grocery store - trust me, it's important to use fresh eggs for this delectable angel food cake recipe...

Seperate your yolks and egg whites. You need the egg whites, not yolks....
I feed the yolks to the dogs - it's like their little taste of heaven.
They don't mind cleaning them up for me at all...

Angel Food Cake

1 C. Cake Flour (or, add 2 Tbsp. Cornstarch to All purpose flour to make cake flour)
3/4 C. Sugar
2 Tbsp. Sugar
12 Lg. Egg Whites
1 1/2 tsp. Cream of Tarter
1/4 tsp. Salt
3/4 C. Sugar
1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Almond Extract


1 - Preheat your oven to 375*
2 - Sift Cake Flour & 3/4 C. Sugar + 2 Tbsp. of Sugar and set aside
3 - Combine the Vanilla & Almond Extracts and set aside
4 - Beat; the Egg Whites, Cream of Tart & Salt until it forms peaks

Mine looks like this...

5 - Now, add the other 3/4 C. sugar slowly, while the mixer is beating on high & beat until stiff peaks form

Mine looks like this...

I can tell we're there when the beaters start making good trails in the batter!

6 - Beat on low and add the flour mix & extracts
7 - Spoon into an Angel Food pan

The pan looks like this...

Ooops ~ bright flash on the counter~!

8 - Move a knife through the batter to remove air pockets

Just swirl it around...

Yikes ~ old hands~!

9 - Bake for 30, to 35 min. Or, until the top springs back when touched lightly with a finger...

Beautiful Cake~ Right out of the oven!

10 - Invert the pan on the counter to cool completely...

Yep ~ turn it upside down - it won't fall out, trust me...

See, it didn't fall out - that's why the pan has little legs, to hold it up to cool!
So... Now, your cake is done and cooling on the counter~
Get your Strawberries ready...
Aren't they beautiful?
They're from Bountiful Baskets. If you've never heard of it, go check them out at;
It's an awesome thing to be a part of~!

Now, slice up your Strawberries...

Sprinkle them with sugar...
(I don't know how much ~ how ever much you want!)

And, while the sugar canister is open, go ahead, dunk those few that you didn't have room for straight into the sugar and eat em'... It's ok... Nobody is looking!
(I had 5 I saved just for me ~ yum!)

Now, mash them up with your potatoe masher and put them in the fridge to marinate in their own delectable Strawberry juices~!

Now, that the cake is cool...

To remove the cake from the pan, run a knife around the rim of the cake pan, just to get the "crust" away from the pan.

Now, firmly "spank" the sides of your pan...
Invert the pan onto a serving plate & then take the knife to the now top (which was the bottom) of your pan & gently cut the cake away from the pan insert...

***There's no need to cut around the center tube...***

Just give the cake a gentle, but firm TAP, or downward shake and it should glide right onto the plate.
If it doesn't, "google" an answer, cause I don't have one & "Google is your friend"... <kidding>

And, there's the beautfiul "Angel Food Cake"

Then, you just have to make homemade whipped cream to go on your homemade strawberries and angel food cake, don't ya???
I do~!!!
I made "Banana" Whipped Cream for tongihts desert, using banana extract...

Whipped Cream

1 C. Whipping Cream
1/4 C. Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

* Put your bowl & your beaters in the fridge, or freezer to chill them before you whip your cream*
Whip until soft peaks form

Oh, by the way...
I even make my own vanilla extract!
It's just vodka and some vanilla beans... Shake often and let it steep for a few months!

"I found the Vodka ~ it was hiding in the orange juice!"

The cheapest place I have found to buy vanilla beans is here:

They also have other wonderful extracts here:

I use ALOT of vanilla beans!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fabulous! My Mom always made shortcake,with strawberries. She did make angel food cake, though, that looked just like yours.


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