
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fashion is about eventually becoming naked...

I know, you're wondering about the 'subject line' of this post, but just bear with me ~
The 'zing'er' is at the end... lol

So, we ran across these old, vintage wedding photos in one of our outbuildings, in an old box...

Just look at the fashion of the time...

So, so, VINTAGE~!

(1920's, or 1930's?)

In the bottom of the box, was this box...

(Now, do you get the point of the subject of this post???)

~ Funny, that it would all be in the same box ~


Fashion is as profound and critical a part of the social life of man as sex, and is made up of the same abivalent mixture of irresistible urges and inevitable taboos...

~Rene Konig~


  1. Glad you enoyed the story ~ I was laughing when it happened. I just had to share...
    You have an awesome blog Karen. Thanks for stopping by -
    I'm your newest stalker~!


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